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October 16, 2017

President Barack Obama's message on Secretary Kerry's Award from Institute

Sent in honor of the Institute's first lifetime achievement award for outstanding public service.

On October 15, 2017, President Barack Obama sent a letter to Secretary John Kerry in honor of his receiving the first Edward M. Kennedy Institute Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Public Service.

The letter read:

I am pleased to send greetings to everyone participating in the Edward M. Kennedy Institute’s celebration of Secretary Kerry. While I wish I could join you in person in Boston, I want you to know how grateful I am for your continued dedication to this place that Ted left to a new generation of Americans—a monument not to himself, but to what we, the people, as citizens have the power to do together.

For the almost three decades John Kerry represented the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Senate—nearly 25 years of which were alongside Ted—he was tireless in the pursuit of America’s progress. In his service as our Secretary of State, John led our strong, principled American diplomacy, rallying other nations to help us combat climate change, aid refugees, and dismantle Iran’s nuclear nuclear weapons program without firing a shot. John Kerry helped make America more respected in the world, and a better, stronger place than it was when he began his journey in public service.

I am grateful for John’s friendship, and for all that he has contributed to the life of this country we love. Enjoy this evening, because the work goes on—and Michelle and I will be there with you every step of the way.

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