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As a tribute to Senator Kennedy's 47-year career, gifts of $47 and up recognize you as a Friend of the Institute.

Educational Experiences

Lion of the Senate: Digital Exhibit

Lion Of The Senate

“Lion of the Senate” is an overview of Senator Edward Kennedy’s nearly 47 years in the Senate. Highlighting objects from the Institute’s own holdings, the digital exhibit includes representative achievements from a variety of Senator Kennedy’s legislative priorities, from education and civil rights to foreign policy and the wide-ranging needs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The exhibit celebrates the Senator’s dedication to public service, commitment to hard work, and belief in the power of personal interaction.

How to Use the Digital Exhibit- Tips and Tricks:

Lion of the Senate utilizes the online cloud-based presentation software, Prezi. Prezi allows a visitor to explore at their own pace by selecting topic headings, zooming-in on objects and text, as well as view video and audio media.

  • For an optimal experience close unused tabs and windows on internet browser.
  • Click the “present” option to view the exhibit using a full screen.
  • When the presentation is opened you may use the arrows at the bottom of the presentation to navigate the pre-set path of the exhibit content. You may also use the arrows on your keyboard. To skip around simply click/select a topic or subtopic (an image or text) to explore further.
  • To exit the full-screen viewer you can click the bottom right of the presentation or click the “esc.” key on your keyboard.
  • If using a mouse you can use the mouse’s scrolling-wheel to zoom-in on the presentation, you can also click-hold-and drag the mouse to move images and text. If you are not using a mouse you can use your computer’s touchpad to zoom, or simply double-click/select an image to increase the zoom.